Monday, December 12, 2011

The Bucket List

I love the idea of a bucket list. I think it really helps keep you focused on the fun goals that you have. I've had one since before I'd even heard the term bucket list. I called it, "my list of things to do before I die." I remember making one at around 15. I don't have it in front of me, but some of the entries were;
  • Have kids (check and check)
  • Go to a keg party (check about a hundred times)
  • Drive a race car (no check, but still crossed off the list)
Since then, my bucket list has evolved significantly. Some of the current items are;
  • Have a home birth (we've done hospital and birth center, might as well go for all three)
  • Travel (this is only getting one bullet because if I put everything I wanted to see or do on here it would take pages! I want to spend Halloween in Salem, Christmas in Germany, visit every continent, take the trans-Siberian rail road, stay in a ice hotel, etc., etc., etc.)
  • Own a home
  • Find a way to make money that allows us to travel as much as we want
  • Live abroad
  • Write a book
  • Grow/make as much of my own food as possible
  • Learn another language
  • Go to a concert (I know, I know, you haven't been to a concert?! And no, for some reason I haven't)
These are just a few of the many, many, many things I hope to do before I die. I hope to do so much more. I hope to do things that are so awesome, my imagination can't even come up with them!

I look back at all the amazing things I have done, and I am already grateful. I've done enough to fill at least one bucket list already! I've flown a plane, taken the chunnel from London to Paris, been to eight countries (not including the U.S.) and three continents. I've camped in Yellowstone and seen the Northern Lights. I've lived in England. I've driven across country a couple of times and have seen a large majority of the fifty states. I've earned a degree and have worked in the corporate world.

My whole life I have craved new experiences. I have always felt that I was running out of time and I had to do everything and I had to do everything NOW! This led to many rash decisions, but it has also let to a lot of fun. I still feel that same way but have lost some of my intertia. Don't worry, I'll get it back, and by the time I die maybe my completed bucket list will be long enough to count as the book I want to write!

What's on your bucket list?

1 comment:

  1. Traveling is a big one, and the chance to live abroad (namely in the UK) would be a dream come true. :) Somehow making a living doing something creative (writing or crafting) is also a big wish.
