Monday, July 15, 2013

These are Just Vessels

Not long ago I was in a room surrounded by amazing women. These women had birthed children, were compassionate mothers, many had college degrees, some were successful career women. They were loving wives and loyal friends. They were smart, funny, articulate. Each of them was beautiful.

And yet?

One of the primary themes of conversation was... their bodies. The shape, the size, how hard it was to love them. What other lady's bodies looked like. They "should" run. They "shouldn't" eat that donut or drink that mimosa.

And I felt incredibly sad. We are a debilitated population. This conversation is indicative of what women everywhere spend their time and brainpower on. How much farther along would we be if women could take that energy and instead spend it on increasing our compassion, furthering our interests, or inventing things. Improving the world and loving ourselves. Our REAL selves, not our vessels.

And this is not a reprimand towards those women. It is what was on their minds. They should be able to express their thoughts, whatever they are, to their friends. But it incredibly sad to me that this is what their thoughts are.

So to all you women in that room (as I know some of you will read this) and all the other women (and men) out there who struggle with their body image, you are perfect. You look wonderful naked. I love you.

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