Sunday, November 27, 2011


I truly believe in destiny. But destiny is never a burden. That little voice deep in your gut, that longing, that is your destiny. You may have ignored it so long and shoved it so far down that you don't know what it's saying anymore, but it's still there. You can never completely eliminate it and it will pop back up from time to time as you lay awake at night or find yourself looking towards the horizon.

Throughout your life the universe will undoubtedly give you many chances to follow your destiny. Many people choose not to. It's too scary and seems too good to be true. Since birth, we are often taught that life is about tolerating drudgery, but it's not! It's also not about avoiding risk or playing it safe. I'm no expert. I haven't realized my destiny yet. I know I am still plagued by wanderlust and discontent quite frequently and I am not sure what to do about it.

It is important to try and listen to yourself. I know that I need roots and security, a place to come home to. But I also need more freedom and adventure. I'll get there. I'm working on it. Luckily the universe knows what your destiny is and gives you the chance to follow it over and over again. The universe knows us humans aren't always capable of taking a hint.

Maybe  your destiny invovles travelling, or saving polar bears, or teaching kindergarten. Maybe it will make you rich and maybe it will make you happy to be poor. I don't know. What I do know is that although it may seem hard, and starting might be very scary, it won't be too hard. Doing what you're meant to do never is. Figuring out what you're meant to do, now that's the hard part.

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